short BA@225
我是种花作歌仙 2020-06-08 07:20:41 回复 悄悄话 今天分析师升级波音的理由很搞笑: Safran thinks the worst is priced in for Boeing stock. His target for the stock price, at $277 , is roughly 15 times the approximately $18 a share he sees as the company's normal free cash flow. The Dow, for comparison, trades for about 17 times free cash flow. Boeing , of course, isn't generating free cash flow right now. Safran分析师的意思是波音估价为 277,因为是15倍现金流(每股产生18美元的现金流),比道指17倍现金流的估价要低。最后来了句:当然,现在波音没有产生任何现金流。
我是种花作歌仙 2020-06-08 07:03:28 回复 悄悄话 根据做空计划的策略,BA的第一平仓价位现=188.6
我是种花作歌仙 2020-06-08 06:48:51 回复 悄悄话 BA做空均价=207,下一个做空价位要等249.8